Blog Full Body Stretching Routine for Flexibility You Can Try At Home (Video) 13th June 2016 When you can hardly squeeze a workout into your day, taking time to focus on... By XTStaff
Blog Sexy Butt Workout for Women [Video] 6th June 2016 Acquiring a toned butt is likely at the top of every women fitness goal, but... By XTStaff
Blog Rev Up Your Workout With High Intensity Interval Training-Infographic 3rd June 2016 When it comes to staying in shape on a busy schedule, there's probably no effective... By XTStaff
Blog, Muscle Building Supplements Powerful Myths About Workout Supplements Debunked- Infographic 25th May 2016 Workout supplements are used by those people who want to build their muscles into bulky... By XTStaff
Blog, Chest Building Exercises Best Chest Workouts To Build A Bigger and Muscular Chest 17th May 2016 Either you seek to become a professional bodybuilder or simply improve your physique then nothing... By XTStaff
Blog Best Arm Workouts To Get Bigger Arms- Infographic 12th May 2016 Big arms, I mean shirt stretching and super hero looking big arms will never go... By XTStaff