Blog Master Your Muscles – Infographic 9th January 2016 A workout is incomplete, if it is not focused on each and every muscle group... By XTStaff
Blog Diet & Workout Regimen for Different Body Types – Infographic 25th December 2015 Have you ever noticed that some people are naturally thin or are normally fat or... By XTStaff
How To Choose A Pre-Workout Supplement? – Video 18th December 2015 Pre-workout supplements are extremely prominent today than they ever were. That is because they're defined... By XTStaff
Blog 8 Mistakes Women Bodybuilders Make With Diet 8th December 2015 It is often heard that women who are into bodybuilding work really hard to get... By XTStaff
Blog Coping With Holiday Stress Is Easier Than You Thought 1st December 2015 With a dizzying array of demands for parties, get together, shopping, gift wrapping, baking, cleaning,... By XTStaff
Blog Gaining Weight Won’t Be Impossible Anymore 6th November 2015 Yes, it does sound weird, but such people exist in this world, who try hard... By XTStaff